How my inner conflicts almost shattered my dreams of joining the Merchant Navy – Case Study

23-year-old Nishant Kaur had his career of becoming a Merchant Navy Officer all mapped out. He worked diligently towards it and finally got the much-awaited job offer. Unfortunately, his internal battles with anxiety and emotional dependence came in the way of him being to able to take the final leap. Here is his story… At… Continue reading How my inner conflicts almost shattered my dreams of joining the Merchant Navy – Case Study

How psychotherapy helped me break my pattern of being in abusive relationships | Case Study

A strong believer in love, I thought I had found my perfect match in Suhas and before we knew it, we were joined in holy matrimony. Within months of my love marriage though, my rose tinted glasses were shattered and my prince charming turned into a living nightmare. He started off with nasty verbal abuses,… Continue reading How psychotherapy helped me break my pattern of being in abusive relationships | Case Study

Getting Through Midlife Crisis

Remember the movie ‘The Seven Year Itch’, where middle-aged Richard Sherman is dissatisfied with his life and deeply drawn towards a beautiful young girl? Or the movie ‘Death Becomes Her’, where the protagonists are so insecure about getting old that they strike an uncanny deal to make them youthful and attractive? The above might be… Continue reading Getting Through Midlife Crisis

10 things for an Employee Health & Wellness Program in your Organisation

Combatting decrease in employee performance and productivity is a real day-to-day Challenge. Many organisations today are finding newer and innovative ways to keep their employees engaged and motivated. The common thread that runs across the companies that are Great Place to Work is a successful employee health & wellness program. Starting an employee wellness program definitely requires… Continue reading 10 things for an Employee Health & Wellness Program in your Organisation

Live 30 minutes at a time

Today in one of my Coaching session, a great learning just dawned and extremely powerful yet simple technique naturally emerged. A 38year old civil engineer, with over 15years of work experience, prone to making mistakes since a year or so; a constant pressure to perform and jeering sense of failure from people’s expectations. Somewhere during the session,… Continue reading Live 30 minutes at a time

How to apply Design Thinking framework to HR processes?

Ever wondered why most HR initiatives fail or mostly do not deliver the desired outcomes? Do all your (HR) customers – employees, leaders, candidates, and business counterparts’ typical response is “this is not what we expected, we had a completely different expectation.” This is where Design Thinking can contribute to help HR not only to… Continue reading How to apply Design Thinking framework to HR processes?

What makes an Authentic Leader?

The argument over which form of leadership works best seems unending in my opinion. As a L&D consultant, I have been exposed and been privy to various leadership models, however the continuing problems in business leadership over the past years have highlighted the need for a different kind of leadership. Most leadership models advocate and… Continue reading What makes an Authentic Leader?

Where is the Box? Out of the Box-A myth

Out of the box thinking a clichéd phrase popularised after Psychologist J P Guildford conducted an experiment on Creativity. Guildford most eminently renowned study was the nine-dot puzzle in the early 1970’s. The task was to connect all the nine dots using only 4 straight lines, without lifting their pen/pencils from the page. Today, most… Continue reading Where is the Box? Out of the Box-A myth