DEI Training to foster Cross-Cultural Communication

Almost all organisations that operate globally are familiar with the challenges that arise from communication missteps across different cultures. These issues often stem not just from language barriers, but also from varied etiquette, communication styles, and differences in how feedback is given and received. Expanding your organization into various geographies and cultures comes with a… Continue reading DEI Training to foster Cross-Cultural Communication

How Women Leadership Coaching Drives Company Culture Transformation

India’s position in achieving gender parity in economic participation and opportunity remains challenging. With only 36.7% parity achieved according to the Global Gender Gap Report 2023 by the World Economic Forum, we need solid reforms for gender parity and women leadership. Despite improvements in wage and income parity, there is a slight decline in the… Continue reading How Women Leadership Coaching Drives Company Culture Transformation

Executive Coaching for Elevating Your Leadership Journey

Like many others, you may think executive coaching is only for those struggling with career crises or performance issues. But the truth is, executive coaching is incredibly valuable for those who aim to take their careers to the next level.  Imagine this, You’re already doing well in your career, achieving impressive results, and earning recognition.… Continue reading Executive Coaching for Elevating Your Leadership Journey

5 Reasons why Corporates are investing in Strategic Leadership Development

“We need more diversity in leadership!” This phrase has become a frequently heard sentiment in corporate meeting rooms worldwide. But beyond the ethical imperative, does diversity in leadership truly translate to business success? Absolutely! Studies by McKinsey & Company show a clear correlation – companies with diverse leadership teams experience a 25% increase in innovation… Continue reading 5 Reasons why Corporates are investing in Strategic Leadership Development

Leadership Coaching for Women in 2024, Diversity and Inclusion Perspective

While strides have been made towards diversity, inclusion, and equality in the workplace, women leaders still face unique challenges. The path to leadership positions remains uneven for women in corporates. Navigating the complexities of a diverse workforce requires an approach lined up with equality and sustainability. This is where Leadership Coaching emerges as a powerful… Continue reading Leadership Coaching for Women in 2024, Diversity and Inclusion Perspective

Understanding the Impact and Power of Executive Coaching

As we celebrate International Coaching Week(ICW 2024) starting today we believe that  May 13 to 19, is a fitting time to explore a powerful tool for leadership development: Executive Coaching.  Executive Coaching is specialized coaching that caters to executives and high-potential employees, helping them unlock their full leadership potential and navigate the complexities of the… Continue reading Understanding the Impact and Power of Executive Coaching

Unlocking Workplace Retention: Creating Inclusive Environments for Women’s Growth and Belonging

Retaining top-tier talent is essential for achieving organisational success. Yet, a significant portion of the workforce, women, often face challenges that hinder their long-term engagement. Lakshmi Sreenivasan, a distinguished OD Consultant known for her advocacy of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at LS Learning Management System, underscores the significance of fostering inclusive settings where women can… Continue reading Unlocking Workplace Retention: Creating Inclusive Environments for Women’s Growth and Belonging

Navigating the thin line from Inclusion to Tokenism in Corporate Diversity Efforts

Many organisations today proudly champion diversity and inclusion initiatives. Yet, the path to a truly inclusive workplace is likely to bring  unforeseen pitfalls. One such pitfall is tokenism, a deceptive practice that creates the illusion of inclusivity without addressing the underlying issues. Lakshmi Sreenivasan, a renowned OD Consultant and champion of Diversity & Inclusion at… Continue reading Navigating the thin line from Inclusion to Tokenism in Corporate Diversity Efforts

Navigating Inclusion in a Hybrid Work Environment: Strategies for Success

The rise of hybrid work environments has transformed the way we collaborate and connect. While it offers flexibility and convenience for employees, fostering inclusion in this new landscape presents unique challenges. Ensuring all employees regardless of location, feel valued, engaged, and supported requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Lakshmi Sreenivasan, a renowned OD Consultant and… Continue reading Navigating Inclusion in a Hybrid Work Environment: Strategies for Success

Challenging Gender Bias in Leadership: Reassessing the Relationship Between Confidence and Competence

The path to leadership positions has long been fraught with unspoken expectations, often favouring a specific type of confidence – bold, assertive, and sometimes even bordering on aggression. This traditional perception creates a barrier for many talented individuals, particularly women, who may possess exceptional skills and qualifications yet struggle to be seen as “leadership material”… Continue reading Challenging Gender Bias in Leadership: Reassessing the Relationship Between Confidence and Competence