Breaking the Chains of Silence: Overcoming Stigma and Seeking Mental Health Support.

More than half of people facing mental illness or trauma don’t receive help for their disorders. It is common for people to avoid or delay seeking treatment due to concerns about being treated differently or fear of losing their jobs and livelihoods. It is because stigma and discrimination against people with mental trauma are still prevalent. However, it is important to keep in mind that other people’s judgments almost always stem from a lack of knowledge rather than factual information.

When you start to find comfort in isolation and start to feel that giving up is easier than trying; when you feel like a misfit in social gatherings, and hopelessness becomes a common emotion on most days; it’s time to turn to someone you can speak with without being judged. Let the stigma, “what society will think” not dominate your feelings. Think of it as your chance to release bottled-up emotions and discover a “Peaceful” you. And remember, it’s okay to not be okay, and it’s okay to ask for help.

Signs you could benefit from Trauma Focussed Therapy:

Therapy helps. It empowers you to fight the emotional-mental fog and turn your disturbing thoughts into functional, empowering thoughts. You don’t have to embark on this “finding a therapist journey” alone. I am here to help. I will coach you through and help you deal with your emotions – defined and undefined. If you suffer from depression or know someone who does, offer help.

Let’s Talk.

Trauma Counselling

I believe in practicing empathy which is an essential ingredient for successful therapy. The ability to empathize allows me to engage in others’ stories, experience their worlds with them, and create strong bonds that make it possible to develop a long-term relationship. Hence, my therapeutic space and interactions are centred on empathy and non-judgment.

The approaches that I usually use in therapy are Cognitive-Behavioural, Mindfulness-based models like CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy), Client-centred therapy, and DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy). My experience includes working with individuals living through Depression, Anxiety, Anger, fear & Phobia, Relationship, Grief, PTSD, OCD, and Trauma & Abuse.

Trauma Focussed Therapy will help you in many ways:

Take the first step.

Childhood Trauma Therapy

The effects of childhood trauma can be long-term and detrimental to our health. Childhood trauma survivors face an increased risk of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. As a result of childhood trauma, adolescents and adults are more likely to experience behavioural health issues, such as self-harm and substance abuse. Therapy can get to the root of the problem, find answers to the problems and help heal trauma.

As a mental health professional, I use a variety of scientific approaches to help children deal with depression, anxiety, and trauma. These are largely cognitive behavioural therapies and those related to mindfulness. I also conduct workshops on mental health, emotional first aid, and parenting with the School of Happiness.

How therapy for childhood trauma can help:

The Queer Affirmative Counselling Practice (QACP)

QACP counselling is crucial because it offers a specialized and affirming approach to therapy that is specifically designed to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals. It provides a safe and understanding space where individuals can explore their identities, address the unique challenges they face in different environments, and receive support that is knowledgeable and sensitive to LGBTQ+ experiences.

My QACP counselling can help individuals embrace their authentic selves, foster self-acceptance, and promote overall well-being. It addresses mental health issues that are prevalent in the LGBTQ+ community, such as minority stress, discrimination, and internalized homophobia or transphobia.

The sessions provide individuals with support, validation, and empowering tools that help them navigate their journeys with resilience, develop coping strategies, build healthier relationships, and come closer to each other.

Your well-being and growth are my top priorities. Through my sessions, I aim at providing a safe and affirming space where you can explore your authentic self, embrace your identity, and cultivate a sense of empowerment. Together, we can embark on a transformative journey towards personal resilience, self-acceptance, and a more fulfilling life.

My 'Pride Month 2023' message to the corporates for Diversity and Inclusion.

Healing Harmony

Trauma Focused Therapy

Breaking the Chains of Silence: Overcoming Stigma and Seeking Mental Health Support.

More than half of people facing mental illness or trauma don’t receive help for their disorders. It is common for people to avoid or delay seeking treatment due to concerns about being treated differently or fear of losing their jobs and livelihoods. It is because stigma and discrimination against people with mental trauma are still prevalent. However, it is important to keep in mind that other people’s judgments almost always stem from a lack of knowledge rather than factual information.

When you start to find comfort in isolation and start to feel that giving up is easier than trying; when you feel like a misfit in social gatherings, and hopelessness becomes a common emotion on most days; it’s time to turn to someone you can speak with without being judged. Let the stigma, “what society will think” not dominate your feelings. Think of it as your chance to release bottled-up emotions and discover a “Peaceful” you. And remember, it’s okay to not be okay, and it’s okay to ask for help.

Signs you could benefit from Trauma Focussed Therapy:

Therapy helps. It empowers you to fight the emotional-mental fog and turn your disturbing thoughts into functional, empowering thoughts. You don’t have to embark on this “finding a therapist journey” alone. I am here to help. I will coach you through and help you deal with your emotions – defined and undefined. If you suffer from depression or know someone who does, offer help.

Let’s Talk.

Trauma Counselling

I believe in practicing empathy which is an essential ingredient for successful therapy. The ability to empathize allows me to engage in others’ stories, experience their worlds with them, and create strong bonds that make it possible to develop a long-term relationship. Hence, my therapeutic space and interactions are centred on empathy and non-judgment.

The approaches that I usually use in therapy are Cognitive-Behavioural, Mindfulness-based models like CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy), Client-centred therapy, and DBT (Dialectical Behaviour Therapy). My experience includes working with individuals living through Depression, Anxiety, Anger, fear & Phobia, Relationship, Grief, PTSD, OCD, and Trauma & Abuse.

Trauma Focussed Therapy will help you in many ways:

Take the first step.

Childhood Trauma Therapy

The effects of childhood trauma can be long-term and detrimental to our health. Childhood trauma survivors face an increased risk of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. As a result of childhood trauma, adolescents and adults are more likely to experience behavioural health issues, such as self-harm and substance abuse. Therapy can get to the root of the problem, find answers to the problems and help heal trauma.

As a mental health professional, I use a variety of scientific approaches to help children deal with depression, anxiety, and trauma. These are largely cognitive behavioural therapies and those related to mindfulness. I also conduct workshops on mental health, emotional first aid, and parenting with the School of Happiness.

How therapy for childhood trauma can help:

The Queer Affirmative Counselling Practice (QACP)

QACP counselling is crucial because it offers a specialized and affirming approach to therapy that is specifically designed to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals. It provides a safe and understanding space where individuals can explore their identities, address the unique challenges they face in different environments, and receive support that is knowledgeable and sensitive to LGBTQ+ experiences.

My QACP counselling can help individuals embrace their authentic selves, foster self-acceptance, and promote overall well-being. It addresses mental health issues that are prevalent in the LGBTQ+ community, such as minority stress, discrimination, and internalized homophobia or transphobia.

The sessions provide individuals with support, validation, and empowering tools that help them navigate their journeys with resilience, develop coping strategies, build healthier relationships, and come closer to each other.

Your well-being and growth are my top priorities. Through my sessions, I aim at providing a safe and affirming space where you can explore your authentic self, embrace your identity, and cultivate a sense of empowerment. Together, we can embark on a transformative journey towards personal resilience, self-acceptance, and a more fulfilling life.

My 'Pride Month 2023' message to the corporates for Diversity and Inclusion.

Healing Harmony